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The organization has a vital role in society and development, as it trains and prepares human resources professionally according to the standards that meet the current and future demands of the labor market. It provides support to its members, who are the best choice for employers in salons and beauty centers, as well as cosmetic companies. The organization is known for its organized work and its strong social and economic impact, as it ensures a balance of interests among employers, professionals, and companies, which benefits society as a whole.


The organization enhances the efficiency of professionals and workers in the cosmetology sector and assists them with the latest technical and artistic updates. It also offers technical consultations and fosters relations among professionals through festivals and workshops, where they can exchange experiences and acquire technical and artistic skills. Moreover, it helps them find job opportunities that suit their interests.


The organization provides training programs for talented people, beginners, and anyone who wants to learn a profession. The programs are conducted by specialists and leaders in their fields. The participants receive accredited professional certificates that increase their chances of getting the right job. This also boosts their role in contributing to the professional community and adding creativity and innovation to society.


- The union regulates the profession by establishing professional criteria and working with public and private entities to apply them.

- It develops and improves beauty and cosmetology professions.

- It designs technical training programs.

- It equips skilled professional teams with artistic and technical abilities to adapt to the labor market.

- It supports professional cadres with the latest technical and artistic updates.

- It raises the technical efficiency of professionals.

- It finds ways of cooperation between companies, employers, and professionals and strengthens their common relations.

- It finds job opportunities for professional cadres and supports them with continuous communication with society.

- It elevates the level of craft professions related to Hairstyling and beauty.

Help us continue to support our members around the world by joining today.

The World Union Academy for Cosmetology  ( Confederation Mondiale Artistique de la coiffure – CMAC ) is a global non-profit organization that serves the professional community of beauty and cosmetology. CMAC is independent of any political or religious affiliation and is funded by governments and individuals who share its vision. 

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